As A Reseller, You Can Help Clients Connect With 75 percent Of People Using Search Engines


Being the best SEO reseller means that you are working with clients who need help with getting more potential customers to find them through search engines and fortunately, the techniques you offer can help the 75 percent of people who find the results of an internet search on the first results page to get in touch with your clients rather than their competitors. Search engines are a powerful tool that can be manipulated through SEO and it shows since leads from search engine optimization show a 14.6 percent close rate over the 1.7 percent close rate of outbound leads through print media. What this means is that regardless of what field your customers are in, they need search engines if they ever hope to carry on in the future.

If you have customers that can offer their products or services for sale online, targeting smarphone users will become extremely important for your internet marketing plan as 64 percent of them shop right from their devices. As you find an approach that works for each one of your clients, you will learn that for every customer you work with, there will need to be a different plan of attack for their SEO plan to interact with search engines so that they can target the right customers. The data that search engines accumulate from the keywords that are inscribed into the SEO plans of your clients’ websites is what will determine which search users see them in their results.

Another thing that you need to consider for your marketing plan is the use of social media. While organic links are clicked through on search engines by 70 percent of users, 90 percent of those people are also extensive social media users . This means that they might be looking for businesses through social media outlets before they look anywhere else.

For your reseller business, this equates to the need to find a private label company that knows the fundamentals of SEO, social media, and web design so your packages can be more comprehensive. Finding such a talented individual will prove to be very lucrative for your business endeavors. This is because there will be no services that your clients request that will be turned down.

After you are established, your business should take off with so many great services in tow. This will make you a competitive reseller much faster. You will find that your business can really take you places.

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